Saturday, September 29, 2018


Last Monday I developed what I thought was "flu" During the night I experienced sweating and fever, enough for me to think that something more serious than flu was going on. In the end a visit to Nonga hospital for blood tests showed that I had a mild malaria infection, from an unusual type. So onto two different malaria medications to deal with the parasites. Unfortunately the first medication didn't wholly agree with me. I experienced a disturbed tummy most of the time I was taking it. Once I was onto the second type things quickly settled down.
The worst day for malaria symptoms was Monday, after that things improved slowly. I wasn't bedridden but easily tired. I'm pretty well back to normal now, 7 days later.  I haven't been into the office all week but have managed to get some things done at home.
The reflection is on where did I get bitten? We've been pretty active in making sure there are no mosquito's in the house, we sleep under a bed net and I'd put screen material over the one window that didn't have a screen. we also tend to run the ceiling fans 24/7. Neither of us had been bitten in the house since just after we arrived. But in the few weeks before I developed symptoms we had been getting occasional mosquito's in the office at work. There are screens over the windows, so we suspect they are getting in the main door when people come and go in the office. I had got bitten on a finger a few weeks ago.
A week ago I was congratulating myself  that my measures had kept malaria away. The whole episode is a sharp reminder at how quickly things can change in the tropics. Yesterday we learnt that a helpful guy working in the local Digicel office (about late 20's) died last week due to an asthma attack, and no medication.
I expect to be back at work by Tuesday, with less than 4 weeks to go before we leave. I felt a few times last week that things were going to end with a whimper but not so. I have a training on spraying to organise for later in the month, other than that it is too late to start anything new. Its really about tying loose ends up.
 I have a presentation at the Science Cafe tomorrow night, which I'm looking forward to. No photos this week as I haven't been any where.
A tropical downpour put the 'spectacles' trip to Nonga out until next thursday as the road is such a mess. Two people were washed away in flood waters and a PNV went off the road and down a bank on the high road to Rabaul. The road basically follows the ridge line and is often very steep on either side. I don't know yet if there were any survivors. Side roads too, become rivers of silt and debree floading everywhere, spilling out over the main roads on their way to the coast. Obviously PNG is far from being an easy place to live.
We welcomed a new VSA (Neil) last week and have a farewell for a couple this week. Barbara and Gordon have put in an amazing 18 months!! I will miss them very much. Our boat trip out to see the dolphins with them, will remain one of the highlights of our time here.
I have finished my 3,000 piece puzzle which has kept me busy for a few months and at 120.4 x 86cm  left a space just about big enough for the laptop on the dining table. Purchased at the Ashburton second-hand book and puzzle sale a couple of years ago for $4, it had all the pieces present and in very good condition!!  Such a treat. I will be bringing the puzzle back home. Now I can begin clearing out what we no-longer want, packing stuff to be dispatched ahead of our departure and cleaning house a little at a time with no doubt a nana nap to see me through some days (and lots of ice-blocks of course). I suspect the remaining 4 weeks will go very quickly.

"Payment of Taxes at Bethlehem" by Pieter Breugal (1564-1637/8)

1 comment:

  1. Gosh, Anton, I'm so sorry to hear that you contracted malaria. Trying to avoid being bitten even once is an exacting task and not one that I think anyone could achieve. How frustrating though to think that even the ONE bite you can recall has resulted in malaria. Praise the Lord for medication. Christine I love your choice of jigsaw - did all that snow make you feel cooler? I pray the last few weeks go well. It will be amazing to get together and hear all about your trip first hand. blessings, Leanne
